In the following memo, we update the analysis in the Berkeley Forum’s “A New Vision for California’s Healthcare System: Integrated Care with Aligned Financial Incentives” report to estimate California healthcare spending (total and per capita) in 2016 and 2017 under the status quo and “Forum Vision” scenarios outlined in the report.
Our analysis indicates estimates of $400 billion and $415 billion in total healthcare spending in 2016 and 2017, respectively, using projected shares of California State GDP spent on healthcare expenditures under the status quo. Using a similar method, but with the projected “Forum Vision” shares of California State GDP spent on healthcare expenditures from we estimate total healthcare spending to be $391 billion and $404 billion in 2016 and 2017, with per capita estimates of $9,941 and $10,185 across the two years. See the memo below for full analysis and results.
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